I was really hoping to take part in the FOYAL event but sadly real life got in the way - next year - definitely next year.

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Aww, that would have been lovely. Hopefully, next year! It gets difficult, especially around this time of year. I try to keep things practical and manageable for myself. 🙈 Last year, I just knitted a pattern from another designer and posted around. This year, I'm sharing a few select designers' works. Not an ideal full-fledged participation, but I hope it helps spread the word a little.

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I won't be able to knit anything until next spring. Maybe by then she will have added it to her Ravelry listing. If not, I will contact her then. Thanks for suggesting that! 🙂

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It's great to be introduced to your favorite designers :)

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Thank you Jodie! It is so inspiring to see their work and such lovely people too.

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Lovely post. Great links to new knits, too! I really like the Victoria Marchant cardigan! Unfortunately, there is no way to purchase the pattern either from her website or Ravelry. Her site does not have PayPal to convert from pounds to US $. ☹

Oh well, I did down load the pattern info and I may just wing it! Doesn't that sound exciting!! 😂 I have that body shape and I really like the fit!

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Thank you Sandy. Uh oh, she might have a work around for the pound<->dollar problem. It might be worth it to contact her and see.

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Your handspun is so pretty? Is it 3-ply? I’m currently making a cowl and using some handspun, it feels so incredible to make something with yarn I designed and made!

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Thank you so much Katie. Yes, I chain-plied it. I spun the colors as it came but lost track while plying it through. I am still surprised I ended up with decent looking yarn, lol! You are right, it feels incredible. Handspun yarn has such a different feel to commercial ones!

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