In some ways knitting is like having a pet. lol Once you are a knitter you have to tend it and think about it and find a place for it. Some days it needs a lot of attention and other days it takes naps and if you are lucky, you get a nap, too. A good thing about knitting is that it helps you become aware of your own tempo and then you can become aware of when you are 'not yourself' so to speak. A little knitting can sometimes fix that.

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Aw, so beautifully said, Sandy! It does feel like having a pet that needs tending to. And its does fix me when I am not so myself. It is the best remedy I have lying around, indeed.

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So true! Early parenting: “The days are long and the years are short!”

Love my time-slowing knitting days!

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That sums it up nicely, Alexa! 😻

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I am so thankful for knitting helping me be patient. I try to always have a project for unexpected waiting. Waiting isn’t my strongpoint- but knitting makes it tolerable.

I also love how knitting holds memories of certain times in my life. I remember details of what was happening in life so much better when I recall the project I was knitting. Knitting is a magical thing in so many ways. I’m definitely more patient, creative and confident because of knitting.

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There is no end to how much this humble craft has the potential to gently shape our personalities! Love how you said it makes waiting tolerable. 💖

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I'm nourished by reading your words Kavitha. I resonate with your experience of time in the early days of parenting. I was talking to a neighbour who has just had her first child. She asked 'why does he only sleep during the day and not at night?' I talked about 'womb time' and 'world time'. The baby is so used to sleeping in the womb, with no awareness of day or night. Sleep happens whenever. We as the parents are in a routine, guided by day and night for our waking hours and sleeping hours. It's one of the hardest things about adjusting to being the parent of a newborn. They rarely sleep when we want to be asleep!! I remember being awake in the wee small hours for what seemed like forever with my second child. Funnily enough I said to my neighbour "it takes time for you and your baby to adjust, how long that will be is hard to know. Be kind to yourself and sleep when your baby sleeps. It'll give you energy for the night time waking".

I treasure the time I spend knitting, whether it's for long stretches or quick bursts. Like you say there's a tangible result of our time spent knitting and I'm so grateful for what our beautiful craft brings to my life.

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Thank you for sharing the little conversation Jodie! My heart goes out to the young mom. At some point I guess, we all have been told this gentle advice of "Sleep when the baby sleeps", yet found it so hard to heed. My first one slept so little and kept us on our toes for several months! Like you, I'm much grateful for this current stage, where I can run to my knitting for a little comfort every now and then. :)

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Oh so true. The days seemed so long when my kids were small but looking back they vanished in a flash

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Right! All those days are gone and now I hardly fees like I have them in the house anymore - they seem to be operating in a completely different timezone. 🙈

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Time does fly. I am grateful for all my crafting pursuits that helped me along the way. Being a new empty nester, I have sufficient time now on my hands....

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Oh Vidya! I'm almost there and dreading it. Like you say, crafting will be my clutch too.

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💯 agree with this. Last year I spent alot of intensive time breastfeeding my son, having a sock to pick up and put down was the best thing for my mind and creativity. I also agree with the person above saying knitting is like having a pet. Thoroughly enjoy your substack 🌟

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Thank you so much Orla! Aw, I hear you, breastfeeding periods are intensive indeed. I am happy to hear you had the knitting for some comfort. 💜

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Oh, and how are you enjoying the Fourth Wing? I really enjoyed it

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I took me a while to get into the world the author is creating. I can be cold like that sometimes. 😂 But I am into the story now, wow!! Raced to the end of first part.

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